Production and Presentation

The National Center for Dance Bucharest has been an extensive space of intersections between arts since its establishment, a platform that has presented countless contents and formats. Continuously, in addition to the dance and performance shows which are our main object of activity, we aim at hosting content that is still looking for its form, different types of hybrids, but also theatre performances, concerts, movies and other events.
(In)visible bodies and stories - guided performative tours
With: Denis Bolborea, Catrinel Catană, Simona Dabija, Simona Deaconescu, Paul Dunca/Paula Dunker, Virginia Negru, Andreea Novac, Maria Mora, Valentina De Piante, Arcadie Rusu

Blue Lagoon. Descentrat
Guests: Samer, Livia Gyongyosi, Alexander Valentine, Rayne O'Plasty, Alina Buzdugan

”The heat was hot and the ground was dry” -
Guests: artists Anca Benera, Arnold Estefan and Professor Florin Stănică, Phd

Radical Bodies in Contemporary Performances
Book launch
With: Mihaela Michailov, Vava Ștefănescu, Alex Radu, Doru Someșan, Oana Stoica and Gina Șerbănescu

Three days laboratory
Guests: Florin Fieroiu, Radu Umbreș, Mădălina Dan, Miki Braniște, Mihaela Michailov

RAMANENJANA - from research to the stage
Lecture and talk with Simona Deaconescu and Mathilde Monnier

Omission Possible at Omnia hall