



Willy Prager and the graduates of the Academy of Dance and Performance invited to Tanzhaus NRW!

Willy Prager and the graduates of the Academy of Dance and Performance invited to Tanzhaus NRW!

The performance “Less might be more but sometimes less is just nothing”, created by Bulgarian choreographer Willy Prager together with the students of the first edition of the CNDB Academy of Dance and Performance, has been invited to Tanzhaus NRW in Dusseldorf, where it will be presented on 17 and 18 March.

The performance is inspired by the disco band Zoom, founded in 1973 in Spain, and explores the relationship between visual art and disco dance culture. Willy Prager, the artist who conceived the show, is interested in processes of transformation in the context of social, political, economic and cultural change and has developed a working method based on procedures of translation and reformulation of pre-existing performance material.

In the context of the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which have reduced communication, interaction and participation, the performance “Less might be more but sometimes less is just nothing” explores whether less is still more or whether it is nothing. At a time when contemporary art followed the modern principle of “less is more”, this performance challenges this thesis and explores the boundary between “less” and “nothing”.

The invitation to Tanzhaus NRW is a recognition of the value and originality of the performance, and of the talent of the students CNDB Academy of Dance and Performance who participated in its creation.

For more information and tickets, click here.

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