What is left when apparently there is nothing left? The 19th century archaeological excavations in Pompeii revealed voids formed by the decomposition of organic matter beneath layers of calcified ash. Once filled with plaster, a series of casts took shape – ‘stone bodies’ trapped as in an eternal sleep. Following the programmatic destruction of Uranus Hill in Bucharest in the 1980s, almost nothing tangible remained, but a few physical fragments. Yet, a vivid community keeps the memory of the erased districts alive. What is the potential of somatic and affective explorations to generate new relations to a traumatic historical past?
In three days the grass will grow… oscillates between oblivion and remembering, erasure and recovery. Past spaces, objects and stories are brought into the present. Their reconfiguration generates new experiences that become in turn archival sources. The concept belongs to Ioana Marinescu, visual artist and architect. Performers: Smaranda Găbudeanu, Iulia Mărăcine, Katia Pascariu, Andreea David. In three days the grass will grow… will be presented on 20 and 21 April, at 19.30, at the Contemporary Art Space / SAC – Atelierele Malmaison.
Luana Pleșea spoke to actress Katia Pascariu and to dancer and choreographer Smaranda Găbudeanu.
Creator: Luana Pleșea
Producer: Gabriela Mitan
Dance Diary, part of the broadcast “Orașul vorbește”, is the result of a collaboration between the CNDB Academy of Dance and Performance and Radio Romania Cultural.
The Academy of Dance and Performance is part of the South-East European Dance Stations (SEEDS) project, coordinated by the National Center for Dance Bucharest and carried out in partnership with the Brain Store Project Foundation (Sofia) and Stanica – Service for Contemporary Dance (Belgrade) in the period between 2022 and 2025. The SEEDS project is co-financed by the European Union through the Creative Europe program. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.