
Production and Presentation


Without restricting the area of ​​aesthetic options, in this section we present works and performances from the field of contemporary dance and performance. You can find out about CNDB productions and co-productions, as well as the invited and hosted works and performances.


Concept: Camelia Neagoe & Adrian Ionescu

Oasis of Lunatics

Choreography, Direction, Set design concept: Daniel Dragomir

PAST PRESENT - Fragments of memory

A co-production of PETEC (Association for Theatre and Books) and Beaconsfield.

Ramanenjana x (un)safe zones

Performance and screening of dance films

Bodies on the line

Concept, choreography: Ioana Marchidan

Performing ParkinsOn Dance

Concept and Artistic Direction: Irina Marinescu

Fictions, my body - Collective sensations & Somatic freaks 1.0

With Alice Chauchat, Andreea David, Alexandra Mihaela Dancs & Vlad Benescu

Fictions, my body - Technomancy - reading the dance stage cables

One-on-one meetings with Andreea David

Fictions, my body - Toward Blank & In the language that you are/Picnic with animals

With Eliza Trefaș și Cătălina Gubandru

Fictions, my body - Unimages & chip and trace

With Florin Flueraș, Cosmina Moroșan & Anticorp Solar

Vulnus-the quality of being easily hurt & The Story of Lost Stories

Double-bill evening with performances by Beatrice Tudor, Stoica Filip and Lavinia Urcan

Fictions, my body - Teatre

With Adriana Gheorghe

Tiny dances

The Performing art school for children performance


Children's matinee show
Concept and artistic direction: Mădălina Dan


Concept and Interpretation: Valentina De Piante 

For Patricia

Choreography: Sarah Fdili Alaoui


Concept & Choreography: Sergiu Diță

Bodies on the line

Concept and choreography: Ioana Marchidan


Concept and choreography: Simona Deaconescu


Concept, choreography, performance: Mădălina Dan and Alexandra Mihaela Dancs


Created and performed by: Viktor Szeri

Movements of Soul

Concept, production, choreography and interpretation: YAV

Double-bill: Toujours de 3/4 face! & Reverse Discourse

Performances by: Loraine Dambermont and Ioana Marchidan

BLOT - Body Line of Thought

By: Simona Deaconescu and Vanessa Goodman


Concept & choreography: Sergiu Diță

Other tiny dances …and theatre

Graduation performance of the Performing art school for children


Concept, artistic direction, choreography and dramaturgy: Mădălina Dan


Concept, artistic direction, choreography and dramaturgy: Mădălina Dan


Concept and choreography: Maria Beatrice Tudor

Bless The Sound That Saved A Witch Like Me

By Benjamin Kahn

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