Meet the artist/Sharing practices workshops – Unfold Motion
December 12
12:00 – 13:30 & 13:45 – 15:15
The workshops are held by the choreographers of the shows “Vulnus-The quality of being easily hurt” (Beatrice Tudor and Filip Stoica) and “The Story of Lost Stories” (Lavinia Urcan). Participants will enter the “internal kitchen” of each of the performances, working on creative exercises inspired by the two productions, practicing short choreographic fragments and getting to know two different artistic approaches.
12:00-13:30 – workshop by Beatrice Tudor and Filip Stoica
13:30-13:40 – break
13:40-15:10 – workshop by Lavinia Urcan
Participation is free of charge by filling in the form available HERE.
The maximum number of participants is 20.
Beatrice Tudor graduated from UNATC Bucharest (choreography BA and MA). She works mainly in the independent cultural sector in Romania and is a member of two cultural associations: Unfold Motion (Timișoara) and Delazero (Bucharest). She is a performer, choreographer, cultural manager and teaches contemporary dance classes for several age groups. In the last 4 years, her artistic activity has focused on real time composition performances, street performances and cultural interventions in public spaces in small and medium communities. As an artistic direction, she believes that every human being is a performer who daily plays his or her part in the performance of his or her own life as well as in the performances of others. When she looks around she constantly discovers small performative moments taking place. She tries to look at her inner revolt with fascination, amusement and poignancy and to bring it in different forms into the conventional or non-conventional performative space. In 2022 she received from the National Center for Dance Bucharest the Award for her contribution to the construction of contemporary dance and in 2023 one of the projects she initiated – “Dans Nomad” was nominated at the Radio Romania Cultural Awards Gala (in the Performing Arts category).
Filip Stoica is a performer and choreographer with a kinetic background in contemporary dance, contact improvisation and breakdance, movement modalities he has been exploring since 2010. His collaboration with Galway Dance Academy (Ireland), Circus Metropolitan Bucharest (Romania), Linotip – Centru Independent Coregrafic, working with choreographers such as Jan Burkhardt, Madalina Dan, Allison Brown, Valentina De Piante, Amalia Strinopoulou, Gigi Căciuleanu, and his choreographic studies at UNATC Bucharest led him to the conclusion that he learns and develops his body intelligence best at the cultural and interactive intersection of different ways of relating to dance, to movement. He does not look at movement or dance as materializations of different techniques, but as manifestations of the sensory, emotional, mental data embedded in each of us: walking, breathing, gesture he considers as movements and dances contained in each body. All these experiences and feelings came to light during the preparation of his show “Sorry, us!”, hosted at Cuibul Artiștilor, in Bucharest.
Lavinia Urcan is a graduate of the Faculty of International Relations and European Cultural Studies, University of Bucharest, and has a Master’s degree in Project Management, SNSPA Bucharest. In 2015 she graduated from the Faculty of Performing Arts- Dance Studies (Choreography) with ‘Second Class Honors’, Middlesex University, London. She is the founder and president of Unfold Motion Association, choreographer and cultural manager. She collaborates with independent and state-run theatres, and teaches contemporary dance classes for different age groups and skill levels. She continues to develop professionally by attending international workshops and residencies in the field. As a choreographer, Lavinia has an extensive repertoire within Unfold Motion but also in collaboration with other organizations and institutions. Her repertoire includes performances such as Je suis Giselle and Connecting Pleasures, co-funded by AFCN, as well as shows such as 2-1=zero, Planet Dance and others, which were produced through self-funding. She is the manager of the Timișoara Contemporary Dance Season and coordinator of the cultural program Dans Nomad, co-financed by the Timișoara City Hall through the Project Centre. Lavinia is also the artistic director of the program Frames and Forms, implemented by the Association Noi Re-Creăm and co-financed by the City Hall of Timișoara through the Project Centre. Last but not least, Lavinia collaborates with the French Institute in Timisoara, through the Unfold Motion Association, for the Impuls program, and with many other local and national organizations and institutions, actively contributing to the development of contemporary dance at local and national level. In 2020, Lavinia was awarded by the National Center for Dance Bucharest for her contribution to the construction of contemporary dance and in 2022, she received the ENERGIE! Creation Grant from the Timisoara Project Center.
The project is part of the National Cultural Programme “Timisoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023” and is funded by the Inside Timisoara 2023 programme, run by the Timisoara Project Centre, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.
Meet the artist/Sharing practices workshops - Unfold Motion
Workshop held by Beatrice Tudor and Filip Stoica