Work in Progress
- Dance & performance
55 min.

Work in Progress captures fragments of the journeys of Elei and Inei, two women whose lives are structured around one central point – their work. Ela is an employee of the Company awaiting the promised promotion, and Ina is in training to take her place. In a fictional universe, not very different from our everyday reality, we follow how the lack of motivation, purpose and usefulness felt by the two women influences their inner lives and puts them in a situation where they have to find ways to resist the constant pressure. From denial to indignation, from routine to non-conformity, Ela and Ina try to fight a battle, in a world that seems to efficiently metabolize the feelings of revolt generated by its own rules, like an infinitely adaptable and invulnerable organism.
Sensitive, humorous, ironic, serious, the show is a moving dialog about the place of work in our lives. How much and how do we work? In what environment? What do we actually get and need? What are the ways in which work penetrates and monopolizes personal space? What effects do we experience? Work in Progress incorporates the answers encountered during the documentation phase of the project, points out the problems that arise most frequently and humorously comments on the absurdity of the ways of solving them that are proposed to us through a variety of external environments.
“I think most of us feel that something is wrong with the way our work life keeps conflicting with what would make us happy or fulfilled. We are usually urged to find solutions on an individual level, having been taught that we live in an imperfect world, but that this is still the best possible option. But if we look at the consequences of the way work is organized, we seem to be rather in a dystopia whose superpower is to disguise itself behind the image of an acceptable or even desirable way of living. I’m convinced that it helps to talk about it, first of all to stop feeling lonely or maladjusted, and then to think about other possible worlds.” (Camelia Neagoe)
Choreography: Camelia Neagoe
Performers: Eva Danciu, Mariana Gavriciuc
Dramaturgy: Adrian Ionescu
Music: Alexandru Suciu
Lighting Design: Vlad Lăzărescu
Graphics: Alina Gheorghe, Ruxandra Socor
Voice Acting: George Ciucă, Adrian Ione
Work in Progress was created within the cultural project “8 hours a day”, produced by Delazero Association.
Co-financed by
Administration of the National Cultural Fund
The project does not necessarily represent the position of The Administration of the National Cultural Fund. The Administration of the National Cultural Fund is not responsible for the content of the project or the manner in which the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the funding recipient.