Fictions, my body – Unimages & chip and trace
- Dance & performance
120 min.

Florin Flueraș, Unimages
Unimages are deviations from plausible bodily states and self-presentations, performative anomalies that affect automatic perceptions. Representations do not stabilize, actions withdraw their meaning, escape reading, play tricks on our minds and bodies. The ability to perceive and understand, to form coherent images of what is in front of us, can be questioned and renewed. We usually conform to personal and cultural images of ourselves and reality, becoming images, solidified identities in the process. Unimages can divert us outside our images, identities and sometimes outside our minds, intervening in the implicit process of transforming reality into images and certainties. Unimages are documented as written text from within.
During the performance one can enter and exit at any time
Performers: Martina Piazzi, Eliza Trefas, Florin Flueras
Cosmina Moroșan & Anticorp Solar (benevolent – participatory framework)
The proposal mixes in a benevolent-participatory framework the intentions of a performance-performance-prayer-form. At the same time, we are looking for empathetic and honest perspectives of working with the space, as it is only occupied in the moment of the event: how does mutual giving happen very suddenly? Only the still mysterious meanings of a geometrically-affected memory can gradually reveal such a volatile-pulsatile relationship. From it can arise meta-architectures, the contours of an eternal place/non-place, a more spontaneous tenderness of interventions. When pressure howls, the invisible process of transubstantiating it becomes a profound interest. Among and between: Clarice exploring seas, sound-field, the broken parentheses of vaguely soft linguistic contexts.
Florin Flueraș extends his artistic practice into philosophy, politics, spirituality, media, education, literature, health – he produces performative encounters between art and its exterior, affecting conventions and certainties in both spheres through entities such as Artwork, Unsorcery, Clinica, Black Hyperbox, Postspectacle, Art Opening. In recent works he explores situations and bodily capacities that act meta, affecting what is possible to think, see and feel in different contexts. In some contexts the works appear uninvited – Unofficial Unworks. More than visual or conceptual, Florin Flueras sees his recent practice as affect art. He has presented in contexts such as MAB FAAP Sao Paulo, DEPO Istanbul, Jardim Equatorial Sao Paulo, MUMOK Kino Vienna, HAU Berlin, TQW Vienna, Karas Zagreb, DeSingle Antwerp, Suprainfinit Bucharest, MNAC Bucharest, Salonul de Proiecte Bucharest, Berardo Museum Lisbon, Aleppo Brussels, Hordaland Kunstsenter Bergen, Akademie Solitude Stuttgart, Europalia Brussels, Swimming Pool Sofia, Bozar Brussels, Centrale Fies, Matter of Art Prague Biennale.
Cosmina Moroșan works with poetry and performative art (movement and text), operating through philosophy as risked intensity / affective virtuality / possibility of forging encounters. In 2017, she publishes the poetry volume Beatitude (political essay) and in 2021 she completes her PhD thesis A Sentimento Deleuzian. Schizanalising experimental literary practices. She lives and researches territories between cities / provinces, between concepts / sensations, preferring practices formulated in open micro-teams (since 2018 she collaborates with Anticorp Solar). Since 2016 she has been performing in spaces in Bucharest such as: gallery ODD, Tranzit, Salonul de Proiecte, National Dance Centre, Anca Poterașu Gallery, Cabinet 44/ Atelierele Malmaison.
Anticorp Solar works in visual, sound (field recordings, acoustic actions) and performative media with a concern for text (notes, plural etymology). In his practice he traverses the concept of the vitality of space, playful, populated by entity-events: objects (congregations of photons, splits and streaks), inter-beings (thinking with AND) and micro-noises (derailed iterations, asymmetries at the mantle). In 2017 he participated in the exhibition Inhabitants at Make a Point, in Bucharest. He started actively collaborating with the art space ODD publishing a visual thematic series in the publication The Good Life, as part of the Liminal Festival of Art and Technology. He has published visual works in ODD Theory 2018. Since 2018 Anticorp Solar and Cosmina Moroșan have been (trans-)performatively collaborating in neighbourhood walks, domestic observations, nomadic accelerations and art spaces (such as ODD, Meet Factory Prague or CNDB).
About Fictions, my body
Fictions, my body addresses language in the performative space and intends to put different kinds of practices in dialogue. A range of artists are invited to explore the dynamics between body, presence and speech. The framework aims to make it possible for dance artists to meet the public, local and international artists, who also orient their choreographic practices through other arts (theory, philosophy, poetry, sound, visual arts). The invited artists propose other ways of working with language or different framings of it, beyond illustration, with the tension between representation and corporeality. If in last year’s Fictions, my body we were interested in the embodied presence that generates word, and the word that generates a new corporeality or embodiment of it, provoking a reflection on the boundary between reality and fiction, this year we extend the questions further towards what situations that language can create and constellate. What are the ways in which language, and its representation, its interpretation, its meaning produce different situations? How can it open up other readings of the reality we encounter? Can language, through its potential to reshape realities, go beyond language? What does the absence of language produce? What new meanings, definitions and perspectives do linguistic formulations bring to dance? This year’s format will include, in addition to performance presentations, language-challenged performative situations: labs, lectures, participatory frameworks and performance practices.
Adriana Gheorghe (laboratory & performance protocol)
Alice Chauchat (remote – shared practice)
Andreea David (workshop & performance)
Cătălina Gubandru (participatory performance)
Cosmina Moroșan & Anticorp Solar (performance with participatory framework)
Diego Agullo (laboratory, lecture & performance)
Eliza Trefas (performance)
Florin Flueras (performance)
Alexandra Mihaela Dancs & Vlad Benescu (performance)