



PACT Zollverein: creation and production residencies in 2023!

PACT Zollverein: creation and production residencies in 2023!

PACT Zollverein offers creation and production residencies in 2023 (January – June). Running throughout the year since 2002, the residency programme is at the heart of PACT Zollverein’s daily work. Open to professional artists from home and abroad working in the fields of dance, performance, media arts or music, and closely linked to PACT’s other two main strands of activity – presenting work and facilitating research and development – the programme is a key element in PACT Zollverein’s profile as a House of Artists supporting the lively exchange between practice and theory.

While occupying their own designated space and working essentially independently, residents can choose to benefit from various types of production support such as dramaturgy, technical assistance, project management, and press and publicity.

Application deadline: September 15 2022

Complete information and announcement source here.

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