

  • Theatre
  • +12

90 min.


What happens when you look back at moments of emotional or physical abuse from when you were little and everything seemed big? The childhood violence? How do you carry the marks it left on you? And how do you talk about it now with your parents? A few questions from which we started a show-journey through generations, emotional legacies and tender, healing words. 

A play by: Alice Monica Marinescu and Vera Ion
Scenography: Irina Gâdiuță
Sound: Teodora Retegan
Graphic design: Alex Horghidan

Ioana Chițu, Alex Călin, Cabiria Morgernstern

Scena9, DoR, Centrul de Teatru Educațional Replika, Colegiul Național Cantemir Vodă 

Special mentions

The text contains mentions of abuse, physical and verbal violence, humiliation, suicide. 

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