Performing ParkinsOn Dance
- Participatory performance
- Free entry on registration
aprox. 60 – 75 min.
Performing ParkinsOn Dance addresses a series of questions such as: How is it to live your life having Parkinson? What do ”on” and ”off” mean? How do medicine, psychology and dance come together to increase the life of people suffering from Parkinson and what self-discovery opportunities does this condition offer?
With these questions in mind we have started an artistic exploration of dance with and for Parkinson. We invite you to share the fruits of this research and the benefits of dance therapy by dancing together.
Concept and Artistic Direction: Irina Marinescu
Choreography: in collaboration with Loredana Larionescu and Paolo Profeti, with the participation of the dance workshops beneficiaries and of the audience
Scenography: Silvia Niculae
Scenography Assistent: Sara Șofron
Light design: CNDB & Nicole Ivan
Music: Paolo Profeti, Repertoriu Național & internațional
Video work & edit and collaboration composition: Tudor C. Popa
Thanks to: The beneficiaries of the ParkinsOn Dance workshops, Neurologist Bianca Nițu, Medic Andreea Mitulescu, Medic Greta Radu, Cătălin Munteanu, Crina Popescu
Participation is by reservation on the form available HERE, subject to a limit of 30 places.
The project is produced by Profeti Art SRL, communicated through Asociația Entuziart.
Performing ParkinsOn Dance is a cultural project initiated by Neurologist Bianca Nițu, choreographer Irina Marinescu and psychotherapist Loredana Larionescu. This year a series of dance therapy workshops have been held for people with Parkinson’s in Bucharest and Azuga, with the support of the National Centre for Dance Bucharest and of the Traumatology and Orthopedics Hospital Azuga.
CNDB, Clinica Neuristica, Spitalul de Ortopedie și Traumatologie Azuga, Asociația Entuziart, Asociația Developing Art, Asociația ”Mai puternici decât boala Parkinson”, Asociația Română de Psihoterapie prin Dans și Mișcare.
Media Parteners
Radio România Cultural, IQads, Ziarul Metropolis, Observator Cultural, Spotmedia,, Bookhub, Revista Golan, Iscoada, Semne Bune,, Gonext, PRwave, Iqool, Munteanu.
Co-financed by
Administration of the National Cultural Fund
The project does not necessarily represent the position of The Administration of the National Cultural Fund. The Administration of the National Cultural Fund is not responsible for the content of the project or the manner in which the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the funding recipient.