CNDB Awards 2023 x Mercedes máis eu
- CNDB Awards Gala
- Dance & performance
30 min. + 70 min.
CNDB Awards 2023 x Mercedes máis eu
The CNDB Awards Gala is an annual event to recognize those who have contributed and confirmed the value that contemporary dance and choreographic culture have in society. Beyond any hierarchies, the CNDB Awards celebrate dance and the role of art for people and community.
In 2022, the CNDB Awards Gala also offers the audience the opportunity to see Mercedes máis eu, a show presented with the support of the Cervantes Institute in Bucharest, within the Baila España programme, also marking Spain’s Presidency of the European Council.
Mercedes máis eu
Mercedes máis eu is the result of the collaboration between artist Janet Novás and composer Mercedes Peón. After several meetings in which the artists used improvisation as a working method and worked in very heterogeneous contexts and spaces, the two artists explored the particular relationships that exist and are established between “dance and their music”. Thus arose the need and desire to deepen, understand, organize or write and to dedicate time to “study” this relationship. In this way, between musical instruments, memories, songs and dance, the two artists define the concepts they want to work with. Some of them have a socio-political content: identity, belonging, sonority, collective creation, gender…, and are at the basis of most of the material they work with, from musical “objects” to dance or biographical ones. Others are somatic concepts or quantum experiences: trance, energy, vibration…, and appear in pulsations, rhythms and tones, in voices and dynamics, in silences and forms. The resulting performance is a subtle proposal to approach the common sensibility and a commitment to reach artistic knowledge.
invites us to go back to those encounters of different durations in which there was no distance from the spectator. This plasticity that we want to allow ourselves, this ease that we believe the work has, to acquire different forms or to inhabit different architectures, is a freedom that helps us to continue thinking about it and to continue shaping ourselves.
Directed, created and performed by: Mercedes Peón and Janet Novás
Artistic accompaniment: Ricardo Santana and Pablo Esbert
Musical composition, concept and lyrics: Mercedes Peón
Choreography: Janet Novás and Victoria P. Miranda
Lighting: Cristina Bolívar
Sound: Ezequiel Orol
Wardrobe: Uxía Vaello
Production: Adriana Reyes
Acknowledgements: Jorge Rúa, Virginia Rota, Eduardo Bonito, Celso Giménez, Beatriz Calatrava, Lipi Herández and Laura Kumin.
Janet Novas was born in Galicia. She studied contemporary dance in Madrid, Brussels and Berlin. She has received several awards throughout her career: 2nd Prize, XXI Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid, B-Motion (B-Motion Bassano, Italy), DanceWEBeurope 2008 (Vienna), Premio InJuve 2011 with her creation “Cara pintada” 2011. In 2011 she is part of the ChoreoRoam Europe programme, an international research project organised by The Place (London), Festival Opera Estate (Bassano del Grappa), Dansateliers (Rotterdam), Danceweek Festival (Zagreb) and Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid. His creations have been presented in various national and international festivals such as Rencontres Chorégraphiques (France), Marseille Festival (France), Nouvelles-Pole Sud Festival (France), Cement Festival (Netherlands), Dança en Transito (Brazil), Festival Jóvenes Coreógrafos (Venezuela), MOV_S, TNT Dansa, Mes de Danza Sevilla and XXV Festival de Madrid en Danza, among others. His latest work was co-produced by Festival de Otoño a Primavera (Madrid), Escenas do Cambio (Galicia) and Bad Festival (Bilbao) and with the support of Granner Centro de Creació (Barcelona), Centro Cultural Conde Duque (Madrid) and Paso a 2 (Madrid).
Composer, vocalist and instrumentalist from Galicia, Mercedes Peón works on traditional music with multiple technological instruments. After delving into the Galician tradition for 25 years, Peón recorded her first solo album in 2000, Isué. This was followed by the works Ajrú (2003), Sihá (2007), Sós (2011), Deixaas (2018), winning several awards for his works. This career makes her one of the most outstanding Galician artists of the early 21st century.
Coproduced by
Comunidad de Madrid.
With the support of
Centro Danza Canal and Sede Losdedae, the resident company in Alcalá de Henares.
“Mercedes máis eu”, with Janet Novas and Mercedes Peon is part of the Baila España programme (12th edition), a flagship programme of the Instituto Cervantes (co-organised by the Instituto Cervantes and the Spanish National Institute for Performing Arts and Music (INAEM), Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport, in the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan funded by the European Union through the Next Generation project.