Fictions, my body – Teatre
- Dance & performance
60 min.

“Teatre is an artist-run space on Schitu Măgureanu 21. It is dedicated to the research of performativity at the border with other artistic media. Teatre is a performative protocol of encounter between processes and artists. And, not least, it is an extension of my performative practice, which, through its spirit, can become host to other artistic practices and poetic presences. The performance The Choir, presented last year in the same setting, is based on a specific way of working with verbal language in its relation to the register of experience, at once powerfully unsettling and destabilizing and proposing a reorganization of the inside-outside relationship. Teatre continues this practice and needs many voices and horizons to take shape. Literally, our voices can grow sensitive things – add trees to the CNDB courtyard, a whole forest, a mountain.
Just as dance can have countless sources of movement, visible and invisible, so text, written or spoken, can have multiple points of generation. In the workshop, I will facilitate my way of working based on dissociation, paradox and counter-intuition and a way of encountering in an affective-abstract space – a choral life.” (Adriana Gheorghe)
Adriana Gheorghe works on the border between performance, poetry, serious theory and speculative pedagogy. She uses her own artistic practice to curate processes and constellations and to imagine new modes of transmission and co-existence. She is currently a host of the plural Teatre space in Bucharest. For more info, some links:…/false-hours-adriana-gheorghe/
About Fictions, my body
Fictions, my body addresses language in the performative space and intends to put different kinds of practices in dialogue. A range of artists are invited to explore the dynamics between body, presence and speech. The framework aims to make it possible for dance artists to meet the public, local and international artists, who also orient their choreographic practices through other arts (theory, philosophy, poetry, sound, visual arts). The invited artists propose other ways of working with language or different framings of it, beyond illustration, with the tension between representation and corporeality. If in last year’s Fictions, my body we were interested in the embodied presence that generates word, and the word that generates a new corporeality or embodiment of it, provoking a reflection on the boundary between reality and fiction, this year we extend the questions further towards what situations that language can create and constellate. What are the ways in which language, and its representation, its interpretation, its meaning produce different situations? How can it open up other readings of the reality we encounter? Can language, through its potential to reshape realities, go beyond language? What does the absence of language produce? What new meanings, definitions and perspectives do linguistic formulations bring to dance? This year’s format will include, in addition to performance presentations, language-challenged performative situations: labs, lectures, participatory frameworks and performance practices.
Adriana Gheorghe (laboratory & performance protocol)
Alice Chauchat (remote – shared practice)
Andreea David (workshop & performance)
Cătălina Gubandru (participatory performance)
Cosmina Moroșan & Anticorp Solar (performance with participatory framework)
Diego Agullo (laboratory, lecture & performance)
Eliza Trefas (performance)
Florin Flueras (performance)
Mihaela Dancs & Vlad Benescu (performance)