Fictions, my body – Florin Flueraș & Adriana Gheorghe
- Dance & performance
120 min.

We are interested in the ways in which embodied presence generates word, and word generates new embodiment, challenging experiences and opening up new worlds, constantly shaping the perspectives and conventions in which we fit. What are the different roles that language accompanied by the body can acquire or access, from everyday speech to performance on stage, from language that fixes to language as potentiality? What do we become when we speak?
The invited artists and performers propose possible ways of working in the company of language, beyond illustration, by staking on the tension between representation and corporeality and on new alliances. We invite artists who use language ‘against’ language in one way or another into our dialogue.
The framework proposed and organized by Andreea David and Eliza Trefas, took shape as a result of their choreographic research started at the beginning of the year in the new CNDB production Fictions, my body (developed in the form of two 2 solo works, Where do I stay when I throw my word & Wor(l)ds).
This framework fulfills their desire to bring several artists and artists into dialogue, thus expanding the research theme by getting to know each other’s practice and their multiple approaches.
Presentations will take place every Wednesday in November.
16 November: Adriana Gheorghe, Corul, and Florin Flueraș, Heaven (Affective Recursive)
Florin Flueraș, Heaven (Affective Recursive)
Heaven (Affective Recursive), was a research project in which many of the artists active in 2007 at the CNDB participated. The research is about the performance situation, by the performers, during the performance, from the inside. It starts from an inversion of corporeality specific to performance – instead of choreographing their bodies or having them express something, performers give time and space to a bodily sensitization, reflect and discuss how this affects what they feel, perceive, think and do in the situation they are in – in front of an audience, in a performance. The work includes their own reflection in real time, which then becomes the work, which is then reflected again… This paradoxical self-referentiality can change the affective atmosphere, sometimes to an ecstatic state (hence the name of the project)
Duration: 45min
Adriana Gheorghe, Corul
For about ten years I have been choreographing verbal language in the context of contemporary dance, in its many possible declensions, at the border of post-dramatic ttheatre, literature, theory, conceptual art and in the many relations it establishes with that situated & sensitive knowledge, in order to resensitize it.
I invest it with miraculous possibilities, we abuse each other, I destabilize it (speculatively/performatively/poetically) in clear contexts, especially in the black box, and I rely on it to establish alliances and constellations outside institutions.
I invoke its transgressive potential in reality – to save us – and wonder how it would make sense to return to it in the convention of the stage.
I have dedicated myself to the same constantly reformulated performative practice that deepens the connection between performativity (ecology, good dependence) and representation (logic of separation, difference) as two ways of accessing and conceiving reality. What remnants of separation that we can not do without? When does the background figure differentiate and when does it return to its place?
The chorus can be made up exclusively of protagonists or it can be a practice of becoming landscape.
Duration: aprox. 45 min
Florin Flueraș extends his artistic practice into philosophy, politics, spirituality, education, literature, health – he produces performative encounters between art and its exterior, affecting conventions and certainties in both spheres. In Artwork he transforms works into practices, composing a “method” in the format of somatic/spiritual techniques. Together with Alina Popa he created alternative art environments, artworks as Artworlds (Unsorcery, Clinica, Black Hyperbox). In Postspectacol, initiated together with Ion Dumitrescu, he applies performance tools to other areas of reality, presidential campaigning for example. In Love, Unexperiences, Unimages, Unhere he explores situations and bodily capacities that act meta, affecting what is possible to think, see and feel in different contexts. In some contexts the works appear uninvited – Unofficial Unworks. More than visual or conceptual, Florin Flueraș sees his recent practice as affect art. He has presented in contexts such as Fap Sao Paulo, DEPO Istanbul, MUMOK Kino Vienna, HAU Berlin, TQW Vienna, DeSingle Antwerp, Kaaitheater Brussels, Berardo Museum Lisbon, Aleppo Brussels, MDT Stockholm, Akademie Solitude Stuttgart, Europalia Brussels, Jardim Equatorial Sao Paulo, Swimming Pool Sofia, Bozar Brussels, Matter of Art Prague Biennale…
Adriana Gheorghe works on the borderline between performance, poetry, serious theory, theology and speculative pedagogy. She has presented work at PACT Essen, Brut Vienna, KuLe Berlin, Pa-f St Erme, Atar Museum Tel Aviv, Tanzfaktur Cologne, Tranzit, Atelier 35, Salonul de proiecte, Anca Poterașu, CNDB, MNAC etc. She uses her own artistic practice to curate processes and constellations and to imagine new modes of transmission and co-existence. She has collaborated with Punch and CESI (master lab on performativity).
Special mentions
The works presented will be followed by artist talks.