
Fictions, my body – Diego Agulló

Workshop facilitated by Diego Agulló
  • 12 & 13 December
  • 11:00 – 14:00
  • 14 ,15, 16 December
  • 15:00 – 18:00
  • Workshop with final public presentation
  • Lecture and conversation
  • Free admission




CNDB – Stere Popescu hall (Bd. Mărășești 80)


Laboratory Embodied Words, Eventful Bodies

A 5-day lab where we will explore the intimate affinity between language, embodiment and event. Diego will facilitate a methodology and series of practices so that each participant can develop their own artistic practice. On the last day of the lab there will be a two-hour public event where we will share the results with the audience. We will understand art as a laboratory for the production of experiential knowledge, whose mission is to push the boundaries of what we know and understand.

Lecture and discussion with the audience

Lectures on three of Diego Agullo’s publications Lucky Disasters (2023), The Drama of Dramaturgy (2020) and Betraying Ambition (2017).

Admission is free. Registration for the lab can be made by e-mail .
Participation in the lecture does not require registration.


Diego Agulló is an independent researcher and a dilettante artist working in the intersection between art and philosophy, mainly in the field of contemporary dance and performance. Diego investigates the affinity between body and event, between dance and problems, focusing on the unexpected encounter between the body and the forces of chaos and when the unpredictable irruption of an event demands to be articulated through an artistic practice. Diego studied philosophy and since 2005 lives in Berlin. His work covers different media such as dance, performance, books, video art, laboratories for research, the organization of participatory events and daily Qigong / Tai Chi training. Co-founder of the independent publishing house Circadian where he has published five books: Dangerous Dances (2015) in which he analyzes the intimate affinity between dance, the problem, the devil and ballistics, Betraying Ambition (2017) where he displays a critique to the ideological implications of ambition in the art world, Risking the Self (2019), an interplay between Philosophy, Tai Chi and Psychedelics, The Conversation Book (2021), questions to open the portal into parallel lives, the book together with Maryna Makarenko: Biting the Night (2022), experiments on voluntary insomnia and Lucky Disasters (2023), between the mistake and the miracle.

About Fictions, my body

Fictions, my body addresses language in the performative space and intends to put different kinds of practices in dialogue. A range of artists are invited to explore the dynamics between body, presence and speech. The framework aims to make it possible for dance artists to meet the public, local and international artists, who also orient their choreographic practices through other arts (theory, philosophy, poetry, sound, visual arts). The invited artists propose other ways of working with language or different framings of it, beyond illustration, with the tension between representation and corporeality.  If in last year’s Fictions, my body we were interested in the embodied presence that generates word, and the word that generates a new corporeality or embodiment of it, provoking a reflection on the boundary between reality and fiction, this year we extend the questions further towards what situations that language can create and constellate. What are the ways in which language, and its representation, its interpretation, its meaning produce different situations? How can it open up other readings of the reality we encounter? Can language, through its potential to reshape realities, go beyond language? What does the absence of language produce? What new meanings, definitions and perspectives do linguistic formulations bring to dance? This year’s format will include, in addition to performance presentations, language-challenged performative situations: labs, lectures, participatory frameworks and performance practices.

Adriana Gheorghe (laboratory & performance protocol)
Alice Chauchat (remote – shared practice)
Andreea David (workshop & performance)
Cătălina Gubandru (participatory performance)
Cosmina Moroșan & Anticorp Solar (performance with participatory framework)
Diego Agullo (laboratory, lecture & performance)
Eliza Trefas (performance)
Florin Flueras (performance)
Alexandra Mihaela Dancs & Vlad Benescu (performance)






Fictions, my body - Diego Agulló

Workshop facilitated by Diego Agulló

Fictions, my body - Diego Agulló






Fictions, my body - Diego Agulló

Workshop facilitated by Diego Agulló

Fictions, my body - Diego Agulló






Fictions, my body - Diego Agulló

Workshop facilitated by Diego Agulló

Fictions, my body - Diego Agulló






Fictions, my body - Diego Agulló

Workshop facilitated by Diego Agulló and public presentation

Fictions, my body - Diego Agulló






Fictions, my body - Diego Agulló

Lecture and conversation

Fictions, my body - Diego Agulló
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