Borders, crossings, losses and rediscoveries
- Feminist poetry and Suce Fraga concert
3 hr
What is a margin? What is a periphery? And how do we embody ourselves in the margins, us, the ones from the semi-peripheries?
Does the grass on the side of the road know where it grows? When did we realize or was it first explained to us, that the place we live in is not the middle, not the centre, not the core, not as important? Why is there such a value difference between the centre and the margin?
We patiently choose the words that will help us talk about this place. Healing words that caress the spaces between us. Sometimes we invent the right words. We mix. We go beyond the rules of literature. And everything that is familiar to us, it sounds foreign to the Power.
Why does the Power so devoutly guard the rules of Literature? What is hidden here, what fear, what anxiety? Why is the “great” culture afraid of our dream, the dream of a common language, new, unheard, and yet understood and spoken for a long time by many of us?
Feminist poetry promises a relentless search for a common language. Reconnection. Healing. A language that brings back at least some of what we lost.
The language of feminist poetry is the language of liberation. Its anger is directed against the keepers of pure and lofty language; of keepers of well-defined hierarchies and categories. Its language is hybrid and queer. Its language revolts against the clear delimitation between genders, between literary genres or between artistic fields. Its language revolts against the imperative of the purity of language. Against any purity.
The language of feminist poetry is the continuous search. We know that there are no ready-made bridges, that they are built as we go. The language of feminist poetry builds bridges on the move.
The event Borders, crossings, losses and rediscoveries brings together authors whose expression is always politically conscious. Some work on the borders of artistic fields, some propose radical hybridizations of language, others talk about what is lost when borders are physically crossed and the heart remains forever divided.
Borders, crossings, losses and rediscoveries proposes a meditation on words, separations, transgressions, hybridity and the attempt to create different relationships between us, through feminist poetry.
Event concept: Andreea Andrei
Poems by: Andrada Yunusoglu, Anca Bucur, Nora Ugron, Jasmina Al-Qaisi, bianca ela, Sașa Zare (reading: Ioana Chițu)
Concert : Suce Fraga
Event host: Paula Dunker
Curator: Laura Sandu
Andrada Yunusoglu is a writer and doctoral student in philology, the author of the book kısmet: our bones will decompose so beautifully (ed. Casa de Pariuri Literare, 2021). When she’s not writing poetry, she’s writing about literature and feminism. Her poems can also be found in Doppelgänger: Antologia Mornin’ Poets (ed. FrACTalia, 2021), but also on other literary platforms.
Anca Bucur is a poet and visual artist. Her practice is based on research and it crosses different environments and registers. She is interested in the epistemological dimension of the artistic object and its potential to intervene critically in the construction of socio-economic and political narratives. She is part of the frACTalia editorial team. She works and lives in Bucharest.
Nóra Ugron (b. 1994) works as a political justice activist in the Căși Sociale ACUM! and as an anti-species intersectional feminist. As an employed translator, editor and researcher she facilitates the production of critical awareness. She is a member of several radical left groups such as the Colectiva A-casă, Meduza Kolektiv, Pagini Libere, the EAST network, the LeftEast platform and the ELMO network. She works to build resilient communities and networks based on mutual care and camaraderie in the region, she believes in a queer-feminist, decolonial, anti-capitalist and liberating future. She is a member of the Cenaclul X. In her poems and in her artistic work she starts from the feminist statement that the personal is always political. By transforming her own experiences, desires and feelings into art, she tries to create fictitious spaces where all bodies, human and non-human, have the opportunity to manifest as free as possible from oppression. Her debut volume entitled “Posthuman Orlando” appears in Fractalia in the summer of 2022.
Jasmina Ana Maria Manolescu este elevă în Liceului C.A Rosetti, activistă pentru drepturile omului cu focus pe acces la educație și anti-bullying. Este pasionată de istorie și scriere lirică. Ea va interpreta textul co-scris în corespondență cu Jasmina Alexandra Al-Qaisi.
Jasmina Alexandra Al-Qaisi este scriitoare pentru voce și hârtie. Lucrările sau acțiunile ei audio pot fi ascultate la radiouri internaționale, mai ales libere sau temporare. Jasmina este membră a grupului de artiști interesați de sunet Research and Waves cu care scrie, expune și organizează în varii medii cu un interes deosebit pentru limbă și conversație.
Jasmina Ana Maria Manolescu is a student at C.A Rosetti High School, a human rights activist with a focus on education access and anti-bullying. She is passionate about history and lyrical writing. She will interpret the text co-written in correspondence with Jasmina Alexandra Al-Qaisi.
Jasmina Alexandra Al-Qaisi is a writer for voice and paper. Her works or audio actions can be listened to on international radios, especially free or temporary. Jasmina is a member of the group of artists interested in sound Research and Waves with whom she writes, exhibits and organizes in various media with a special interest in language and conversation.
Bianca ela is a writer and translator. For 25 years she has kept diaries that sometimes turn into herbariums or list notebooks. She writes long, hybrid, narrative poems. She published in Cutra magazine, in the anthology of feminist poetry Arta revendicării (frACTalia, 2020), in the anthology Adăposturi, coordinated by Cenaclul X, of which she is also part of. poame divine (frACTalia, 2021) is her debut book.
Sașa Zare is a writer’s alter ego. She loves to stay close to running water, books, friends, forests, her diary and cats. In the literary project she explores, among other things, everything that is improper / sentimental / shameful / hybrid / hidden / strange – (queer), from affect to language. She writes about the way she learnt that there is no place or permission in Romanian literature. Dezrădăcinare is her first novel, published in March 2022 by Fractalia Publishing House.
Paula Dunker promises that her (artistic) work is based on the analysis of representation, production and creation systems. She mostly works with the body. Romanian contemporary dance’s daughter, sister of the local political theater, mother in the Bucharest queer clubbing scene, she is (together with Alex Bălă) the initiator of the techno-faggothique music genre. Confronting existing patterns, she helps build up possible new worlds and heals this one.
Laura Sandu is concerned with the revolutionary possibilities of queer-feminist writing and the creation of spaces for its development. She is the author of several texts published online and in collective volumes, and one of the initiators of the Literature and Feminism platform.
Suce Fraga
Outernational pseudo-ghetto sensitivity, fragile neo-femme power and genre cannibalism. Fraga could be regarded as a synthetic self-taught producer. Traversing with ease different breeds of electronica while being immersed in trap, hip-hop, r&b, and no-step grooves. Jumping off the grid with unparalleled elegance, her voice keeps all surrounding sounds together rendering in the end a very personal, strangely coherent, universe.