
Alice Chauchat, Collective Sensations 

Warm-up workshop for Fictions, my body - facilitated by Andreea David
  • 28 and 30 December
  • 16:00 – 18:30
  • Free entrance




Teatre /Theatres (Schitu Măgureanu, nr. 21)


Alice Chauchat, Collective Sensations
(Warm-up workshop for Fictions, my body – facilitated by Andreea David)

The practice starts from the relationship between imagination and sensations, through language. Can we physically differentiate the experience of reality from that of fantasy? If we use our ability to represent information about our body to feel its reality, can imagination help us use movement to produce real sensations that match what has been imagined?

The workshop will focus on how language can induce sensation and elicit movement, in a fictional relationship between word and perception. At the same time, language will have the power to transfer sensations from the individual to the collective, as participants share with each other their observations of the body and the ways in which they transform their states and fantasies of becoming bodies that are totally different from the ones they think are theirs.

We will incorporate language into sensory experience and thus become aware of our ability to sense the fiction in our body.

The workshop will take place in the first phase as two meetings in a small group of 5 people held at the Teatre space. We are looking for dancers familiar as much as possible with Body Mind Centering, or other somatic practices. If there are more than 5 applicants, we will not make a selection and will resume the meetings at another time.

The choreographer’s practice is described in a booklet and we will read it together at the first meeting, and then at the second meeting we will have an online dialogue with Alice Chauchat, where we can ask questions about the experience of the practice.

The third meeting will take place at the CNDB on Saturday 2 December at 6pm and will take the form of a Collective Sensations warm-up workshop for Fictions, my body, dedicated to both the audience and the artists invited into the frame.

Admission is free, limited to 5 places available.
Registration can be made by e-mail .


Alice Chauchat is a dance practitioner based in Berlin since 2001. Most of her activities center around dance and range from dancing to choreographing, from teaching to supporting fellow dancers in inventing frameworks for existing and performing together, from writing to reflecting in practice on the politics and ethics of togetherness inside and outside the dance studio.

Andreea David is a choreographer, dancer and former architect. Her interest in practices of so-called divination, manifested through performance, began in 2017 with the work Latent Show (an anagram of talent), developed with Cristian Nanculescu-Nanci. There, the performance, the performer or any form of receptive presence became a medium for what was about to happen; for something, undeniably beyond their sphere of control, but potentially taking shape through their “scenic/performative talent”. Her works and collaborations have been presented at ccn Montpellier, Blackbox Theater Oslo, HAU2 Berlin, festival del Silencio Milano, l’abri Geneva, Temp d’image and Reactor Cluj, Teatru Fix Iasi, Seoul, Bucharest etc. Currently Andreea is active in the action group Here was a forest / Here could be a forest, whose mission is to defend and save the 12 ha of land illegally reclaimed from the IOR park and subjected to repeated poisonings and fires.

About Fictions, my body

Fictions, my body addresses language in the performative space and intends to put different kinds of practices in dialogue. A range of artists are invited to explore the dynamics between body, presence and speech. The framework aims to make it possible for dance artists to meet the public, local and international artists, who also orient their choreographic practices through other arts (theory, philosophy, poetry, sound, visual arts). The invited artists propose other ways of working with language or different framings of it, beyond illustration, with the tension between representation and corporeality.  If in last year’s Fictions, my body we were interested in the embodied presence that generates word, and the word that generates a new corporeality or embodiment of it, provoking a reflection on the boundary between reality and fiction, this year we extend the questions further towards what situations that language can create and constellate. What are the ways in which language, and its representation, its interpretation, its meaning produce different situations? How can it open up other readings of the reality we encounter? Can language, through its potential to reshape realities, go beyond language? What does the absence of language produce? What new meanings, definitions and perspectives do linguistic formulations bring to dance? This year’s format will include, in addition to performance presentations, language-challenged performative situations: labs, lectures, participatory frameworks and performance practices.

Adriana Gheorghe (laboratory & performance protocol)
Alice Chauchat (remote – shared practice)
Andreea David (workshop & performance)
Cătălina Gubandru (participatory performance)
Cosmina Moroșan & Anticorp Solar (performance with participatory framework)
Diego Agullo (laboratory, lecture & performance)
Eliza Trefas (performance)
Florin Flueras (performance)
Mihaela Dancs & Vlad Benescu (performance)






Alice Chauchat, Collective Sensations 

Warm-up workshop for Fictions, my body - facilitated by Andreea David

Alice Chauchat, Collective Sensations 
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