



Inventory of the Week takes place at Omnia Hall from 9 to 13 May!

Inventory of the Week takes place at Omnia Hall from 9 to 13 May!

We would like to remind you that Inventory of the Week, a programme of film screenings, starts on May 9 and it marks a last intervention in Sala Omnia before this iconic building enters a stage of complete transformation and becomes the main location of the National Center for Dance in Bucharest. Unfolding throughout a week, a programme of screenings will situate the political and personal, local and planetary implications of modernity within a broader perspective to which the history of Sala Omnia – a socialist building designed in 1967 to host the Romanian Communist Party’s Central Committee meetings – is closely tied. Placing the history of Sala Omnia within a multidimensional and comparative analysis of history, the Inventory of the Week will draw unexpected or underexplored networks of affinities and tensions to assert the interdependencies defining our world.

Screenings schedule

| Tue 9 May
Mona Vătămanu & Florin Tudor – ​​Omnia Communia Deserta (2020, 29 min)
Bo Wang – The Revolution Will Not Be Air-conditioned (2022, 27 min)

| Wed 10 May
Tekla Aslanishvili – Scenes from Trial and Error (2020, 32 min)
Alia Farid – Chibayish (2022, 22 min)

| Thu 11 May
Alexandra Pirici – Girl Folding a Handkerchief (2021, 22 mi)
Migrant Ecologies – {if your bait can sing the wild one will come} Like Shadows Through Leaves (2021, 28 min)

| Fri 12 May
Mădălina Zaharia – Bye Bye Confidence* (2023, 18 min)
Emilija Škarnulytė – Burial (2022, 60 min)
*commissioned for Inventory of the Week

| Sat 13 May
Natasha Tontey – Garden Amidst the Flame (2022, 27 min)
Anca Benera & Arnold Estefan – Blue Ground (2020-2021, 12 min)

More information about the Inventory of the Week can be found HERE.

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