
Without contents

  • Video-dance film projection
  • CNDB Online

14 mins.


“A group of people enters a space which hasn’t yet received a function, an identity. A daily loop, inefficient, that enters in a different relationship with reality and the established ways of living.”

Without contents, a site specific video-dance show, if you would refer to it in theater terms, about a Bucharest of forms without substance and sense.”  – Eugenia Anca Rotescu, liternet.ro

Concept and direction: Ion Dumitrescu & Eduard Gabia
Camera operators: Barbu Bălăşoiu, Toma Velio
Montage: Iulia Murgu, Filip Mureşan
Sound: Filip Mureşan

Florin Flueraş, Maria Baroncea, Carmen Coţofană, Ion Dumitrescu, Eduard Gabia, Alexandra Pirici, Florin Fieroiu, Mihaela Dancs, Rolando Matsangos, Mădălina Dan, Iulia Weiss

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