
Upon Us All Equally

  • Guided tours
  • Free entrance
  • Hosted event

Tour duration: 60 mins.




Omnia Hall


Can hope become an element for social cohesion and political act? From its experience of generating communities that come together on the basis of shared values, tranzit expresses the belief that in the face of crisis these values must not be eroded. Within the tranzit network friendship and trust have grown and solidified, and the energy and enthusiasm in the community can be useful to assure one another: It is now a time to come together as many in order to inspire each other for the future.

With statements and artistic interventions by
Anna Daučíková, Nicoleta Esinencu, Kitti Gosztola, Márton Gulyás, Minna Henriksson, Oto Hudec, Anna Jermolaewa, Nikita Kadan, Franz Kapfer, Kapital, Antonia Majaca, Ewa Majewska, Vlad Morariu, Bence György Pálinkás, Lia Perjovschi, Alexandra Pirici, Emília Rigová, Elske Rosenfeld, Apolena Rychlíková, Stavros Stavrides, Studio Without Master, Ovidiu Țichindeleanu, Dmitry Vilensky, Vladimir Jerić Vlidi, Martin Zet.

The National Center for Dance Bucharest (CNDB)
Stere Popescu Hall, 80-82 Mărășești Bd.
8 November: Marathon of statements starting at 6 p.m.

Omnia Hall, 3 Cristian Popișteanu st.
7-9 November: Artistic interventions, This venue will be accessible through registration for guided tours only.

tranzit.ro/ București, 44 Gazelei st.
7-9 November: Artistic intervention by artist Lia Perjovschi and our info and meeting point.

The title of the event is borrowed from a work by
artist Bence György Pálinkás.

tranzit.org is a network of independently working initiatives connecting Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Slovak Republic and Romania. Lead support for these non-profit organisations is generously provided by ERSTE Foundation, Austria. The activities of each branch of the group can be located via tranzit.org.

For registrations to guided tours and other questions:
Iuliana Dumitru, tranzit.ro/ București

Sala Omnia will host works by Anna Daučíková, Kitti Gosztola, Oto Hudec, Nikita Kadan, Franz Kapfer, Bence György Pálinkás , Emília Rigová, Elske Rosenfeld between November 7-9.
It can be visited by guided tours. Schedule:
7 November 2019:
17:00-18:00 – in English;
17:30-18:30 – in Romanian;

8 November 2019:
11:00-12:00 – in English;
12:00-13:00 – in English;
13:00-14:00 – in Romanian;
14:00-15:00 – in English;
15:00-16:00 – in English;
16:00-17:00 – in Romanian;

9 November 2019:
11:00-12:00, 12:00-13:00, 13:00-14:00 – in Romanian.

CNDB, Stere Popescu Hall
Marathon of statements
8 November 2019
starting with 18h00 – – free entrance
18h00 – 18h10 Welcome
18:10-18:25 Ovidiu Țichindeleanu
18:25-18:40 Anna Jermolaewa
18:40-18:55 Antonia Majaca
18:55-19:10 Apolena Rychlíková
19:10-19:25 Anna Daučíková
19h25 – 19h35 break
19:35-19:50 Dmitry Vilensky
19:50-20:05 Ewa Majewska
20:05-20:20 Márton Gulyás
20:20-20:50 Bence Pálinkás + Kitti Gosztola
20:50-21:05 Oto Hudec
21:05-21:20 Stavros Stavrides
21:20-21:35 Vlad Morariu
21h35 – 22h30 buffet dinner and drinks
22:30-22:45 Kapital
22:45-23:00 Emília Rigová
23:00-23:15 Nikita Kadan
23:15-23:30 Studio Without Master
23:30-23:45 Alexandra Pirici
23:45-00:00 Vladimir Jerić Vlidi
00:00 – 00:15 break
00:15-00:30 Martin Zet
00:30-00:45 Minna Henriksson
00:45-01:00 Nicoleta Esinencu

Graphic design
Eduard Constantin

Organized by

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