
Trepidații/ Antigen/ Ora perfectă

  • Theatre
  • Within the PEARLS, PARADOXES AND ECSTASY festival, part of the Triumf Amiria project. Muzeul Culturii Queer
  • Hosted event
  • Free entry based on reservation

60 min.





CNDB „Stere Popescu” hall (Mărășești, 80-82)


Three theater stories written and performed by transgender and non-binary authors – fictions starting from lived realities, possible realities from dreamed fictions and everything in between. 

By: Iris Horomnea, Dani Prisacariu, Ceza Bularca
Director: Bogdan Georgescu
Scenography: Irina Gâdiuță
Music: Alex Bălă

Iris Horomnea, Dani Prisacariu, Ceza Bularca, Alexandru Chindriș

Produced by
Asociația O2G

A part of the queer theater festival PEARLS, PARADOXES AND ECSTASY organized within the Triumf Amiria. Muzeul Culturii Queer [?] project. TRIUMF AMIRIA. Muzeul Culturii Queer [?] is a project which aims to reclaim the queer cultural production of the past 20 years, focused in three directions: literature, visual arts and performative arts, started by Asociația MozaiQ in partnership with Muzeul Național al Literaturii Române, Muzeul Național de Artă Contemporană, Centrul de Teatru Educațional Replika and artist Kjersti Vetterstad (Norway). The project offers all throughout 2021, a series of events meant to underline the importance of queer culture in decades past, but also to encourage new cultural productions through exhibits, workshops, guided tours, theater shows and performances, public readings and networking events. This project is financed with the support of EEA Grants 2014 – 2021 within the RO-CULTURE programs.






Trepidații/ Antigen/ Ora perfectă

By: Iris Horomnea, Dani Prisacariu, Ceza Bularca

Trepidații/ Antigen/ Ora perfectă
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