The Second Nature
- Dance & performance
- Part of the festival News from Polska #4
50 mins.
The festival weekend starts Friday, October 11, with the show “The Second Nature” by Agata Siniarska and Karolina Grzywnowicz. The origin of this performance was the life and work of Pola Nireńska, who, although for her entire life she was one step ahead of the Nazis and survived the Second World War, could never break free of the Holocaust’s trauma.
Extermination, which became a fringe-experience for people, proved to be, also for the natural environment, a major event. Nature today is the witness and object of destructive human aspirations. The authors of “The Second Nature” compare the destruction of the environment with contemporary extermination. In their project, choreography becomes a bodily way of cultivating history. The setup for this story will be the garden-installation, placed in the National Center for Dance Bucharest’s yard. The plants that will appear will undergo practices from the Extermination period, like selection and ordering, which have an inevitabile role in the creation of the garden or the selection of certain species.
Agata Siniarska is an artist well known in Romania, where her performance “Mothers of Steel”, prepared together with Mădălina Dan, was included in one of previous editions of “News from Polska”, among other selections.
Concept: Agata Siniarska, Karolina Grzywnowicz
Installation: Karolina Grzywnowicz
Coreography: Agata Siniarska, Katarzyna Wolińska, inspired by “Tetralogy of Holocaust” by Pola Nirenska, „Bacchanal” by Isadora Duncan, “Extinct Animals” by Marcus Coates
Performance: Katarzyna Wolińska
Dramatic consulting: Mateusz Szymanówka
Consulting: Aleksandra Jach, Aleksandra Janus, Franziska Dieterich, Jacek Małczyński, Magdalena Zamorska, Michal Guzik, Weronika Kostyrko
Artists Association Four Dimensions Are Not Enough for Us, Agata Siniarska, Karolina Grzywnowicz
Hellerau European Centre for the Arts, The Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation.