
Techno Transa Body Beats

  • Dance & performance

90 mins.




at CNDB „Stere Popescu” hall


What is transa?

How can we access space in which movement is self-generated  and the so-called ‘identity’ is lost in the wasteland of what is generic and impersonal?

How can we become a collective organism, a permeable togetherness?

Is it possible that the Other and everything around become a sensible extension of what we are?

How can we create a non-performative space? Be nobody.

How would it be if we became the space between us?

How can we transform the dance space into a space that opens the infinite possibilities of becoming?

Techno Trans aBody Beats(TTBB) aism to extend the ecstatic state of the body that abandoned its identity, ideology and language, a body that change the cultural imprinted image, a body that dance in an immediate world experience, a body that is a silent witness of delimitations and differences fading away.

TTBB united different subjectivities in the collective rhythm, one which reverberates and gives form to the practice of solidarity in a symbolic space and time, which exceeds the race, class and ideology differences.

TTBB choreographically researches and experiments dance in the clubbing and electronic music festivals’ culture. TTBB brings the electronic music phenomenon and that of adjacent body practices in the conceptual space of theater, using contemporary dance means and instruments.

TTBB approaches techno dance as a practice of dissolution and dispersion, of non-representation, of empathy and desubjectification. Techno Transa copies the mechanics of salivation. Do the dance of the heart, of the chest, of the feet, of the hands and answer the music without contemplation or respect.

Coreography: Andreea David
Assistant choreographer: Maria Baroncea
Music: DJ Admina
Light design: Tudor Chiliman
Documentation: Laura-Maria Ilie
Producer: Maria Mora
Photographer: Corina Cimpoieru

Adnana Cruceanu, Viviana Bravescu, Alina Ercău, Giles Michael Eldridge, Mugur Grosu, Maria Mora, Andrei Motrescu, Ada Mușat, Sînziana Pintean, Silvana Râpeanu, Miruna Alexandra Statache

Unda Association

Premiere date

Co-financed by
Administration of the National Cultural Fund
The project does not necessarily represent the position of The Administration of the National Cultural Fund. The Administration of the National Cultural Fund is not responsible for the content of the project or the manner in which the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the funding recipient.

National Center for Dance Bucharest, Paintbrush Factory, Colectiva Gazette, Casa Tranzit, Control Club Bucharest, Club Guesthouse Bucharest, AMBASADA Timișoara, saccade Bar Timișoara

Media Partners
Telekom Electronic Beats, SUB25, Revista Zeppelin

Iulia Sima, Renate Dinu, Alina Medoia, Alina Tofan, Raj Alexandru Udrea, Cristian Nanculescu, Mihaela Alexandra Dancs, Stephanie Pria, El Jamali Diaa, Don Gyapo, Dragos Dumitrache, DJ Pedale Douce, DJ Alexandra, DJ Romi, DJ Lucu Chen, Monica Ivanov, Simina Oprescu, Cosima Opârtan, Jean-Lorin Sterian, Gin (Nicolae Burcă), Sorin Vidis, George Aghinea, Beatrice Somer, Madalina Botoran, Amelia Motea, Andreea Stanoiu, Morco Vavesela și toți cei care au participat, într-un fel sau altul, în procesul proiectului.

Special Mentions

Caution, the show includes loud sound.






Techno Transa Body Beats

Coreography: Andreea David

Techno Transa Body Beats
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