
See the big picture – collaborate and innovate

with Maria Tânjală
  • Part of Bucharest International Dance Film Festival (BIDFF) #6

4th of September – 16:00-18:00


The two-hour session offers an overview of the process of making a film and the importance of collaborative work. Due to the complexity of this industry, it is important to know the means and opportunities we have at hand – from development to production, marketing, attracting an audience and creating a personal brand. Although working with sales agents, festivals and distributors is a big part of the process, maintaining a clear production line – IP contracts, investors, reports – is just as crucial. Whether we are talking about a short film, a documentary or a feature film, the principles of discipline, collaboration and the public remain the same. It’s the golden age for content creators!

Maria Tânjală is a Romanian entrepreneur, who lives in the UK. With a vast experience of over a decade in film, TV and sociology, she uses, through her own company – FilmChain (filmchain.co), blockchain technology to provide financial transparency in the media. With the title of “Startup of the Year” at the London Business Awards 2020, it is eager to create fair playgrounds among industry professionals, to harness the power of technology and give them the opportunity to better take on their work.

Admission is free based on a prior registration by email to containing name, surname, phone number and the event for which the registration is made. Maximum number of participants – 15 people.

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