
Poetic and choreographic consultations

  • Intersections
  • Event without audience
  • Contest-based access

20 min.

Consultatii poetice și coregrafice cu Mădălina Dan


Years ago, director Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota and writer Fabrice Melquiot imagined a series of “poetic consultations” they offered on the streets of Reims and Paris. The principle was very simple: an artist talks to an unknown passer-by for 20 minutes. The exchange is free and continues by reciting one or more poems inspired by the conversation. The actor concludes the dialogue by proposing a poetic “prescription”.

Initiated by the Théâtre de la Ville – Paris at the beginning of the pandemic, poetic consultations have been reinvented to adapt to the current situation in which we all live. To date, more than 90 French and foreign actors have come together in an “imaginary band” to offer telephone consultations and more than 35 international partners offer consultations in Greek, Spanish, English, Portuguese, Hungarian, Wolof, drunk, Lingala, Sango, Pidgin, Congo, Italian, Albanian, German, Arabic, Hebrew, Mandarin… and Romanian. An initiative of European solidarity, the project initially launched by telephone connects people, regardless of country of origin, emphasizing the importance of creativity as a generator of a healing dialogue and also questioning the role and space of art in European society.

In 2020, the poetic consultations in Romanian were launched in partnership with Insula 42 and PEN Romania, an initiative of European cultural debates initiated and curated by Corina Șuteu in Bucharest.

In 2021, the National Center for Dance Bucharest (CNDB) joins the project, and the poetic consultations are metamorphosed into choreographic / dance consultations. CNDB thus invited four artists: Valentina De Piante, Mădălina Dan, Corina Dumitrescu and Florin Fieroiu, who will offer participants artistic prescriptions in the coming months.

The choreographic / dance consultation sessions at CNDB take place in an intimate format and involve a 1 to 1 physical meeting between the artist and the participant. The consultation begins with a first question: “How are you?”, then a discussion follows, and finally the consultation ends with the offer of a poetic remedy. If a poem is recited in the initial version of the project, at CNDB the choreographer artists propose to the participants a choreographic / dance remedy.

On the 28th and 29th of April 2021, Mădălina Dan is the second of the four artists invited to offer poetic and choreographic consultations.

A free proposal, open to all.

This is an event without public and has a limited number of 4 consultations available (from 17:00, 17:40, 18:20 and 19:00). Their distribution is free and is done through the contests on the facebook and instagram pages of CNDB.

Project initiated by Théâtre de la Ville – Paris. More information about the poetic consultations, here.

For the event on Facebook, click here.

Guest artist: Mădălina Dan

Mădălina Dan is a graduate of the “Floria Capsali” Choreography High School in Bucharest and of the National University of Theater and Cinematography in Bucharest – choreography department; she also graduated from UNATC with a master’s degree in dramatic writing. From 1998 to 2003 she was a member of the dance company “Oleg Danovski” from Constanța. In 2008 she participated in the scholarship program for contemporary dance “DanceWeb Scholarship” – Vienna. Mădălina Dan was a guest artist at the Arizona State University School of Dance and an associate artist at the National Center for Dance Bucharest Center in 2016. She studied in Berlin at HZT (Hochschulübergreifende Zentrum Tanz Berlin) on the SoDA (Solo / Dance / Authorship) program. Her works have been presented at Springdance Festival Utrecht, Balkan Dance Platform – Novi Sad, eXplore Dance Festival – Bucharest, Temps d’Images – Cluj, SouthBank Center & Chisenhale Dance Space – London, Fabrik Potsdam, Hebbel am Uffer – Berlin, TanzFabrik- Berlin, Tanzquartier Wien, Dance Theater Workshop – New York, Firkin Crane-Cork, Alta Theater – Prague, Art Stations Foundation – Poznan, Sophien Saale – Berlin, FFT Düsseldorf, Impulse Festival, Mulheim, Lyon Dance Biennale, Schauschpiel Leipzig, Hellerau – Dresden etc. In 2015 she was among the winners of the CNDB Awards, for her contribution in dance and performance through shows, workshops, creative laboratories and mentoring projects.

Coordinating partner
Insula 42

PEN România


Un apel neașteptat și o consultație poetică la telefon Capital Cultural
Link 1

Special mentions

Event without audience
Contest-based access






Poetic and choreographic consultations

with Valentina De Piante

Poetic and choreographic consultations






Poetic and choreographic consultations

with Mădălina Dan

Poetic and choreographic consultations






Poetic and choreographic consultations

with Mădălina Dan

Poetic and choreographic consultations
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