KINGKONG aaaaact5
- Dance & performance
- Free entrance
- Part of ReeDANS #4
60 mins.

The National Center for Dance Bucharest invites you to the viewing of a work in progress from the fourth residency program this year:„KINKONG aaaaact 5” by Elena Vertegel (UKR).
Alongside Maeva Lambert (BE), Elena has been working for the past two weeks for the residency program at RAP Space, at The Paintbrush Factory, under the guidance of choreographer Jivko Jeliazkov (BG) from the Derida Dance Center in Sofia.
Residency program September 15-September 27, 2019 | Cluj | „KINGKONG aaaaact5″
“A living organism is a collection of patterns and structures, therefore it is foolish to get rid of them, therefore the set of patterns can be very diverse while physical reality directly depends on them. Inner and outside patterns are creating the person we are today.
KINGKONG aaaaact5 is not a call for struggle and fight. I do not think we have the power to change a well-established system. The aspiration is simply to show the side of joy and consciousness we could catch inside structures and rules we don’t want to follow in the path of life. By sharing this inspiration we try to adjust the visibility of the way, ensure a fancy trip any way, while finding our system within the system.”
(Elena Vertegel)
Extra info
In 2017, Elena Vertegel graduated from Performact in Portugal and worked for dance production in Belgium, Italy, Germany and Ukraine. Besides her experience on stage, Elena develops pedagogical principles which she uses when teaching dance lessons at the Point of Creation in Kiev, where she develops choreographies for the Ukrainian Dance Theatre – UDT.
Elena Vertegel, Maeva Lambert
The Paintbrush Factory
Co-financed by
Administration of the National Cultural Fund (AFCN)
The project does not necessarily represent the position of The Administration of the National Cultural Fund. The Administration of the National Cultural Fund is not responsible for the content of the project or the manner in which the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the funding recipient.