

  • Dance & performance
  • CNDB online

60 min.


Today, celebrating the International Dance Day, CNDB ONLINE invites you to celebrate with FLEXIBLE – a movie from 2008’s Bucharest, by Maria Drăghici and Paul Dunca, which follows the relationship with dance for three communities in the city and its implication in their day to day lives.

A project based on urban archives, informal, with people that have no direct connection to dance, FLEXIBLE is an open invitation: going back in time, thinking that dance is, and will alway be, eternal.

The FLEXIBLE team: Maria Drăghici (visual artist), Paul Dunca (choreographer). Collaborating artists: Ana Maria Costea (choreographer), Irina Gâdiuță (director)

We will watch it together, this evening starting with 7.00pm.
Dance anyhow, dance anywhere, dance anytime!

by Maria Drăghici and Paul Dunca

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