Debate regarding the study “The Contemporary Dance Scene in Romania”
- Debate
- Free entrance
120 mins.

The study “The Contemporary Dance Scene in Romania. A research from the perspective of cultural ecology” was conducted in 2019 by researchers Raluca Iacob și Ștefania Ferchedău, being commissioned by the Gabriela Tudose Foundation, in “ZonaD Platform” program.
On January 21st, starting at 6.00pm, we invite you at the National Dance Center Bucharest, for a presentation and discussion regarding this research. Guests: Vava Ștefănescu (choreographer and National Center for Dance Bucharest director), Irina Cios (AFCN director), Simona Deaconescu (choreographer and director for Bucharest International Dance Film Festival), Arcadie Rusu (choreographer, co-founder Linotip), Cristina Modreanu (curator and theater critic).
The study aims to be an instrument for (self)knowledge and collective deliberation for professionals in the field. The theoretic approach connects dance actors based on criteria related to their actual role in the ecosystem, creating the premises for new forms of solidarity and awareness of the way we all need each other. Also, the analysis aims to make recommendations for the public administrator, actors in the field and other strategic institutional partners.
The research results analysis, based on a perception questionnaire and mapping, identified both potential growth areas as well as a series of worrying trends, which undermine the impact of contemporary dance and weakens the practitioners. Assuming a multitude of roles, fragmentation of the mission, in order to respond to ever changing circumstances and lack of specialized collaborators, the difference between the planned role and the actual one is, at sector level, large. For example, although actions to grow the public were somewhat more frequent in recent years, the majority of actors – individuals and organizations – do not perceive this role as having priority for their own activity. As a positive trend, the perception of having the necessary knowledge for completing most roles required indicates self-confidence which, with the proper support, might become the driving force of several high impact actions, personal and organizational. The analysis also shows the profiles that have the largest prevalence in the area, as well as that which is least active among contemporary dance organizations and practitioners.
The study is available both in Romanian as well an English at this address:
Study cover, design by Irina Stelea, drawing by Branea
Co-financed by
„Platforma ZonaD”, within which the study was conducted, is a cultural program co-financed by Administration of the National Cultural Fund (AFCN).
The project does not necessarily represent the position of The Administration of the National Cultural Fund. The Administration of the National Cultural Fund is not responsible for the content of the project or the manner in which the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the funding recipient.
National Center for Dance Bucharest for hosting the event, all respondents and participants in the research discussions, Matei Branea, Irina Stelea, Claudia Lie.