- Dance & performance
- +16
75 min.

(anti)aging is an archive performance under permanent construction, created in 2011 and designed to have successive stages during 30 years, until 2041.
Mădălina Dan and Alexandra Mihaela Dancs return, 13 years after its premiere, with a new performative stage in this process of artistic and biographical archiving, based on the recording of the present with the help of the camera, in a temporality projected towards the future, in which personal/professional current details will be revisited from another perspective in 2041.
(anti)aging is a framework show in which time, the natural evolution of a collaboration spanning a period of 30 years and the course of personal and professional lives become performative material.
Since its premiere in October 2011 at MNAC and until now, the show has had 27 performances in the country and abroad.
“(anti)aging is a tonic and tender piece about an age in which the memory of strong impulses and sensations smoulders. It is an emotional map of the future, as it appears projected in present voices. It’s an emotional manifesto of those-which-we-will-be, as if we had a photograph of us at different ages.”
– Mihaela Michailov (ArtAct Magazine, no. 139/2011)
Concept, choreography, performance: Mădălina Dan and Alexandra Mihaela Dancs
Video editing and graphic concept: Alina Ușurelu
Mădălina Dan is a graduate of the “Floria Capsali” Choreography High School in Bucharest and of the National University of Theater and Cinematography in Bucharest – choreography department; she also graduated from UNATC with a master’s degree in dramatic writing. From 1998 to 2003 she was a member of the dance company “Oleg Danovski” from Constanța. In 2008 she participated in the scholarship program for contemporary dance “DanceWeb Scholarship” – Vienna. Mădălina Dan was a guest artist at the Arizona State University School of Dance and an associate artist at the National Center for Dance Bucharest Center in 2016.
She studied in Berlin at HZT (Hochschulübergreifende Zentrum Tanz Berlin) on the SoDA (Solo / Dance / Authorship) program. Her works have been presented at Springdance Festival Utrecht, Balkan Dance Platform – Novi Sad, eXplore Dance Festival – Bucharest, Temps d’Images – Cluj, SouthBank Center & Chisenhale Dance Space – London, Fabrik Potsdam, Hebbel am Uffer – Berlin, TanzFabrik- Berlin, Tanzquartier Wien, Dance Theater Workshop – New York, Firkin Crane-Cork, Alta Theater – Prague, Art Stations Foundation – Poznan, Sophien Saale – Berlin, FFT Düsseldorf, Impulse Festival, Mulheim, Lyon Dance Biennale, Schauschpiel Leipzig, Hellerau – Dresden, Bozar- Bruxelles, etc.
Alexandra Mihaela Dancs, freelance dancer and choreographer, collaborates with Vava Ștefănescu, Cosmin Manolescu, Florin Flueraș, Cătălina Gubandru, Doris Uhlich, Mădălina Dan, Andreea David, Zan Yamashita, Rui Catalao, Carmen Coțofană, Robert Bălan, Jean Lorin Sterian, Florin Fieroiu, Urvi Vora etc. In 2010 and 2012 she was a DanceWeb scholarship holder at Impulstanz Vienna. In 2014 she received the Excellence Award for her contribution to the construction of Romanian contemporary dance from the National Center for Dance Bucharest. In 2016 she conceives “Everything for Endorphins”, a program produced by CNDB, addressed to all dance lovers. Since 2019 she is part of “pj.lo & the accidentals”. The solo “In search of dance” and the duets “Luați de VAL…s” and “Somatic Freaks 1.0 & 2.0” in collaboration with Vlad Benescu are her latest creations. She choreographs the theatre shows “Fears” by Ana Sorina Corneanu in 2022 and “Lizica” by Alex Tocilescu in 2023, in the latter assuming not only the role of dancer but also that of actress. In 2024 she develops together with Vlad Benescu the concept of dance theatre for the show “Night shift” by Mihai Ivașcu. Since 2021 she is associate artist AREAL – space for choreographic development. For several years he has been dedicating herself with the same passion she has for dance, to surfing.
Produced by
The National Center for Dance Bucharest, E-motional Bodies & Cities/Gabriela Tudor Foundation, artsf
Main media partner
Guerilla Radio
Media Partners
Radio Romania Cultural, TVR Cultural, Arta Magazine, Zile și Nopți, ELLE, Happ.ro, The Institute, ISCOADA, Zeppelin, Feeder, Agerpres, LiterNet, Golan Magazine, Metropolis Newspaper, Visit Bucharest
Strategic partners
Cinema Union
„Tu ce ți-ai lăsa moștenire peste 30 ani?” / scena9.ro
Oana Stoica
Special mentions
The performance contains nudity