



Emergency fund to support Ukrainian artists

Emergency fund to support Ukrainian artists

Dear friends, colleagues and performing arts (dance and theater) lovers from all over the world,

War, terror and genocide of Russia in Ukraine is a global challenge shaping our global future at this very moment. In this situation performing artists in Ukraine have a strong will to stay and to help in any possible way. We are defending our freedom, the sovereignty of our country, while standing for the global peace and dealing with the terror of Russia on Ukrainian soil preventing it from spreading to the rest of the world. We feel the global wave of solidarity from the international community while strongly and structurally relying on your help in this critical situation.
Performance art (especially independent scene) by default depends on a strong connection with the society and even in peaceful times is very precare. In the time of war, the artists staying in Ukraine don’t have options to make a living from giving classes, performing or from other regular jobs. The only way of surviving today is to live from rapidly evaporating or non-existent savings and mutual support which includes sharing food and donations to the initiatives in our frameworks. This is crucial for being able to deal with the urgency of the situations. We clearly understand that we’ll have no private resources very soon.
To organise ways of supporting the artists that stay on the territory of Ukraine in time of war, me and the team of Ruban Production ITP made a decision to create “Ukrainian Emergency Performing Arts Fund” on the basis of non-profit CO “ICF Impulse Transformation Platform”. We opened two separate accounts in EUR and USD to collect funds. These donations will allow us to provide emergency microgrant help of 8000 UAH (aproximately 250€) to each Ukrainian artist from independent scene staying in Ukraine, upon their request.
Landing page is created specifically to publish a quick simple application request-form for Ukrainian artists to obtain microgrants, as well actual information about donations received (grouped by country) and amount of artists that already got support. On this page you may find also useful links on how to support Ukrainian artists beyond the performing arts domain, indeed other ways of support.
Feel free to contact us for providing you all necessary information.

Also don’t hesitate to propose any form of cooperation or collaboration that:
– could help our actual performing arts scene to be supported in time of war;
– or to be presented abroad for it’s better visibility and charitable fundraising events;

Stand with Ukraine. Thank you for your support!
For more details click here

#Solidarity #solitaritate

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