
Education and Training

© Adnana Cruceanu


Since 2006 CNDB organizes and hosts practical and theoretical courses and workshops in contemporary dance and art education dedicated to professionals – dancers, choreographers, performers, artists in the field of performing or visual arts – and non-professionals, adults, children and adolescents.

N.B. The events are organized in seasons (from autumn to summer of the following year) and displayed in the reverse order of their publication.

Dance Filmmaking Lab

with Marlene Millar

How do you film a performance?

Open laboratory: "Illusionists" by Madalina Dan

How do you film a performance?

Open laboratory: "Stars High in Amnesia's Sky (reactivations)" by Mihai Mihalcea

Forms of (in)sanity

Open-studio research with Mădălina Dan

Training for professionals at CNDB

Free drop-in training sessions

Open Call: The Sequencer

Artistic research laboratory with choreographer Florin Fieroiu

Everything for endorphins

Contemporary dance for non-professionals

How to film yourself dancing

Workshop coordinated by Simona Deaconescu

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