Citofonare PimOff reaches its 9th edition and as every year it launches an international call for contemporary dance projects in phase of creation, that have never debuted, in Italy or abroad, and have never been presented to the public in finished form. It will be possible to send applications from 15th March to 30th April 2023.
The winners of Citofonare PimOff are assigned a period of artistic residency up to maximum of 15 days from February to May 2024, which includes: the use of the theatre room and its equipment; accommodation; financial support up to a maximum of € 3,000; technical assistance; organizational, communicative and promotional support. The goal of the residency is not the staging of an accomplished show, but the artistic research. Precisely for this reason, each residency ends with a sharing of the project, a fundamental moment of encounter and exchange between artists and the audience.
Initially designed as an open call addressed to every sector of the performing arts, during its editions, Citofonare PimOff has defined its focus on dance, a sector that in the Italian context is among the most sacrificed. However, there remains a trace of its original form and of the heterogeneous activity of PimOff: these traces reflect in a broad concept of dance, a perspective that considers hybridization between knowledges and arts as an indispensable resource for reporting the complexity of our time.
PimOff is a member of dance card, the network of dance in Lombardia.
In collaboration with Fondazione Accademia Teatro alla Scala –Photo Video and New Media course and with Afol Moda – Afol Metropolitana – Costume Designer course for Theatre and Entertainment. Patrocinated by Municipio 5 of Comune di Milano.
Website www.pimoff.it
Facebook @PIMOFF
Instagram pimoffmilano